Courses Ballsbridge University Ethiopia
Ballsbridge University
(Ethiopia Centre of Ballsbridge University)
( centre affiliation registration, Ballsbridge University institutional body BVI )
Programme in:
Several theological and academic fields
[*Considering Ballsbridge University Rules & Regulations Related to Minimum Criteria to recommend the Award, degrees and POST DOC Fellowship in all academic fields and Award of POST Doctoral Fellowship]
The Ballsbridge University France is a registered institution in France to provide open/blended and online programs through Distance Learning Program (DLP) or Correspondence Program for further education and for professionals. All majors come in Bachelor, Master and Doctorate programs. For more majors, please contact our admissions office. Ballsbridge University also grant credits to previous education programme leading to a diploma or a degree
Theological and ministerial studies ( BU ethiopia)
Banking (BU BVI)
Biblical Studies (BU ethiopia)
Christian Business Administration (BU Ethiopia)
Business Management
Child & Family Studies
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Information Systems
Computer Network Engineering
Computer Science
Construction Management Counseling
Creative Writing
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Administration
Culinary Arts
Early Childhood Education
Electrical Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Elementary Education
Engineering Management
Environmental Policy
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Emergency Medical Services
Ethnic Studies
Film, television and video
Fine Arts
Fire Protection
Fire Science
Food Science
Forensic Accounting
General Studies
Graphic Design
Health Care Administration
Health Education
Hospitality Management
Hotel/Restaurant Management
Human Development
Human Resource Management
Industrial Design
Industrial Engineering
Information Technology
International Business International Studies
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Media Studies
Medical Technology
Molecular Biology
Organizational Behavior
Management Information Systems
Manufacturing Management
Marine Sciences
Marriage and Family Therapy
Mass Media
Medical Science Mechanical Engineering
Military Science
Paralegal Studies
Physical Education
Plant/Soil Science
Political Science
Project Management
Public Administration
Real Estate
Religious Studies
Physical Therapy
Social Work
Software Engineering
Special Education
Sports Management
Water Resources Management
Women's Studies
APEL: Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning
The Success of the European VAE, Work Experience Degrees (APEL)
In 2002 the European Council created the VAE (Validation des Acquis de l’Experience) that mandated (article L 613-3) European Universities to grant partly or totally regular degrees based on work experience through a jury of University professors. Many were doubtful of the reality or acceptance of the European VAE. Today’s Universities, Institutes of Higher education , & Foreign governments accept the VAE and its equivalency as part of their own National degrees.
BU Online also evaluates and awards academic credits for prior experiential learning based on guidelines recommended by the American Council on Education ( ACE) , New York Board of Regents Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI), Council for Advancement of Experiential Learning (CAEL), Defence Activity for Nom-Traditional Education (DANTE), American College Testing ( ACT), Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and all recognized credit sources.
Based on the above ,the University’s Evaluation and Admissions Council may grant higher degrees to suitably qualified applicants with relevant professional experience that conforms to the European “Bologna Declaration” adopted by the totality (Except Belarus) of European Countries.
APEL and VAE based degrees are awarded to individuals of merit who have a distinguished record in their field of endeavour.
In a number of cases the applicant’s work experience and credits attained elsewhere are sufficient to earn the required number of credits for the immediate award of a degree. In other instances it may be necessary either to submit a dissertation of 5-10.000 words on a topic related to the applicant’s area of expertise or to take a number of courses by Directed Coursework Study under the guidance of a university accredited supervisor.
NB: Procedures For The Award Of APEL Degrees can be obtained from the Ballsbridge University France Dean and registrar
If you wish to be considered for said degree the following documents are required:
Apply Online
Dean:[email protected]
Download File
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MBA in General Management
Courses are in module format and all module would need to be passed separately to achieve the qualification .
Being the key to effective management, these core courses focus upon building skills in technology management and innovation. The business foundation courses will also assist you to understand the overall context of business and management. This module Core courses are 15 credits each
Technology Management & Innovation 10 credits
Management Accounting 10 credits
Financial Management 15 credits
Marketing Management 15 credits
Economic Analysis 10 credits
Operation Management 15 credits
Human Resource Management 15 credits
Leadership and Organizational Behavior 15 crdits
Entrepreneurship 15 credits
Research Methods 15 credits
BBS GENERAL ELECTIVE (BGE) (credit value: 10 credits) AND MBA ELECTIVES (credit value: 10 credits)
These courses will allow students to broaden their knowledge in specific business areas by cultivating critical business competencies. This includes subjects required by BBS in order to broaden knowledge on development and global issues. You are reguired to select only three elective
· Advanced Corporate Finance
· Advanced Real Estate Investment and Analysis
· Competitive Strategy
· Consumer Behavior
· Entrepreneurship and Venture Initiation
· Fixed Income Securities
· Health Care Field Application Project
· Information: Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy
· Innovation, Change, and Entrepreneurship
· International Development Strategy
· Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
· The Political Economy of the Public Sector
· Political Environment of the Multinational Firm
· Private Equity in Emerging Markets
· Privatization: International Perspective
· Probability Modeling in Marketing
· Seminar in Leadership: Power, Influence, and Transformational Leadership
· Speculative Markets
· Urban Fiscal Policy
· Urban Real Estate Economics
· Venture Capital and Private Equity Finance
MASTER Dissertation (credit value: 15 credits)
The objective of this Dissertation is to provide a realistic environment for the student to synthesize materials drawn from different modules and to apply this within a relevant dissertation project that has real business value. The project should reflect the target of the performance and will pass through a number of stages for approval. This course is intended to offer a framework for managing a research project, including presentation and guidelines on project research methods.
The total credits is 180 credits for MBAs as approved by the BQS
MBA Strategic management
ho is this course for?
The MBA in Strategic Management is a professional qualification for those who are senior managers or who wish to move into senior management positions. It provides the knowledge and understanding which underpins the UK QCF Level 7 in strategic Management in that it develops the skills of practising managers. This course emphasises the practical aspects of a manager’s development, encouraging critical, clear and innovative thinking about ‘good’ and ‘best’ practice.
The teaching styles and assessment methods require you to engage as an active participant in improving and developing your distinctive management skills, knowledge and behaviour. The courses are located in our moodle campus and each module course would need to be passed seperately and students would need write an assignment about 6 thousand words to complete the one module course .
How long is this course for?
Part-time or full time course taught in our module campus and the duration is one to three years . The courses are modules and courses would need to be passed before qualification can be achieved Entry Requirement Applicants should have a BA(hons) HND/C or hold a Professional Development Certificate in Management with 5 years experience at management level
What will I study?
Attendance Part Time How will I be assessed?
A wide variety of teaching and learning strategies are employed to ensure that students not only acquire knowledge but are also presented with opportunities to develop and apply higher level skills of analysis and critical evaluation.
A variety of methods are used, including assignments and a final project based in your own organisation. Additionally there will be presentations, examinations, reflective reports, and simulations.
What can I do after the course?
MBA strategic Management is a recognised qualification in its own right. Learners can also gain membership of the Institute of Leadership and Management. MBA holders are eligible for entrance into DBA programmes
How do I apply?
Complete an online application with your CV (available below from the campus) and return it to the Admissions Office . Applicants will be required to attend an interview on the phone .
Where can I study this course? online Moodle Campus
Course Professor : Prof I. charles
Awarding Body: Ballsbridge Business school in association with the university of ballsbridge
Course Code MBASTL7
Doctor of Business Administration
Level 8
DBA Curriculum
Curriculum of the DBA course
Core Stage
Research Methods 30 credits
Management 30 credits
After successful completion of the two module a research topic and a proposal should be submitted to the supervisor.
Specialization Stage
International law 30 credits
Managerial Economics 30 credits
corporate Leadership 20 credits
Human Resources Management 30 credits
Marketing 30 credits
Operations Management 15 credits
organization change 15 credits
Dissertation Stage
Dissertation 90 credits
A Dissertation Committee (DC) approved by the Doctoral Advisory Committee must Approve the student doctoral research proposal . The doctoral candidate is required to earn a minimum of 90 credits in the work towards completion of doctoral dissertation to meet the graduation requirement. Dissertation proposal presentation and dissertation defence requirements are needed before a student can graduate.
Total credits of the DBA programme is 320 credits
Entry Requirement
Applicants should have a MBA or MSc, masters degree in any discipline or hold a Professional Development Diploma at level 7 in Management with 5 years experience at senior management level and the duration of the course is two to three years.
Total tuition £6000
The tuition has been reduced to 6000 from 10800 valid to 2016
Accredited Award: Dual DBA degree from BU and UNEM
Optional Award: DBA from BU and university Atlanta or St Linus University
Optional Award: BU and St linus University
This programme provides human capital with expertise in business. It is also in tandem with the government's desire in producing talents more effectively towards achieving the national vision.
This program will produce managers who are
(i) able to analyze, synthesize and evaluate business issues in a holistic manner.
(ii) able to communicate effectively, carry out professional and social responsibilities strategically and ethically in dealing with business issues.
Main Areas of Research
Total credits 240 credits
Course director : Dr faith
PhD courses has been approved by the Board of Quality Standards BQS
Programme catalog
Ballsbridge University
(Ethiopia Centre of Ballsbridge University)
( centre affiliation registration, Ballsbridge University institutional body BVI )
- Dean of Centre: Dr.Tandele Asefa
- Fellowship: Fellow and administrative member of Ballsbridge University
Programme in:
Several theological and academic fields
[*Considering Ballsbridge University Rules & Regulations Related to Minimum Criteria to recommend the Award, degrees and POST DOC Fellowship in all academic fields and Award of POST Doctoral Fellowship]
The Ballsbridge University France is a registered institution in France to provide open/blended and online programs through Distance Learning Program (DLP) or Correspondence Program for further education and for professionals. All majors come in Bachelor, Master and Doctorate programs. For more majors, please contact our admissions office. Ballsbridge University also grant credits to previous education programme leading to a diploma or a degree
Theological and ministerial studies ( BU ethiopia)
Banking (BU BVI)
Biblical Studies (BU ethiopia)
Christian Business Administration (BU Ethiopia)
Business Management
Child & Family Studies
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Information Systems
Computer Network Engineering
Computer Science
Construction Management Counseling
Creative Writing
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice Administration
Culinary Arts
Early Childhood Education
Electrical Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Elementary Education
Engineering Management
Environmental Policy
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies
Emergency Medical Services
Ethnic Studies
Film, television and video
Fine Arts
Fire Protection
Fire Science
Food Science
Forensic Accounting
General Studies
Graphic Design
Health Care Administration
Health Education
Hospitality Management
Hotel/Restaurant Management
Human Development
Human Resource Management
Industrial Design
Industrial Engineering
Information Technology
International Business International Studies
Interior Design
Landscape Architecture
Media Studies
Medical Technology
Molecular Biology
Organizational Behavior
Management Information Systems
Manufacturing Management
Marine Sciences
Marriage and Family Therapy
Mass Media
Medical Science Mechanical Engineering
Military Science
Paralegal Studies
Physical Education
Plant/Soil Science
Political Science
Project Management
Public Administration
Real Estate
Religious Studies
Physical Therapy
Social Work
Software Engineering
Special Education
Sports Management
Water Resources Management
Women's Studies
APEL: Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning
The Success of the European VAE, Work Experience Degrees (APEL)
In 2002 the European Council created the VAE (Validation des Acquis de l’Experience) that mandated (article L 613-3) European Universities to grant partly or totally regular degrees based on work experience through a jury of University professors. Many were doubtful of the reality or acceptance of the European VAE. Today’s Universities, Institutes of Higher education , & Foreign governments accept the VAE and its equivalency as part of their own National degrees.
BU Online also evaluates and awards academic credits for prior experiential learning based on guidelines recommended by the American Council on Education ( ACE) , New York Board of Regents Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI), Council for Advancement of Experiential Learning (CAEL), Defence Activity for Nom-Traditional Education (DANTE), American College Testing ( ACT), Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and all recognized credit sources.
Based on the above ,the University’s Evaluation and Admissions Council may grant higher degrees to suitably qualified applicants with relevant professional experience that conforms to the European “Bologna Declaration” adopted by the totality (Except Belarus) of European Countries.
APEL and VAE based degrees are awarded to individuals of merit who have a distinguished record in their field of endeavour.
In a number of cases the applicant’s work experience and credits attained elsewhere are sufficient to earn the required number of credits for the immediate award of a degree. In other instances it may be necessary either to submit a dissertation of 5-10.000 words on a topic related to the applicant’s area of expertise or to take a number of courses by Directed Coursework Study under the guidance of a university accredited supervisor.
NB: Procedures For The Award Of APEL Degrees can be obtained from the Ballsbridge University France Dean and registrar
If you wish to be considered for said degree the following documents are required:
- A completed, signed and dated application form
- A scanned copy of your passport/ID to verify identity & nationality
- Notarized Copy/ies of your certificate/s
- A detailed and up to date current CV (to include Names & Contact details of two professional referees)
- Two passport size photographs.
- Application Fee of $75 USDs
Apply Online
Dean:[email protected]
Download File
Download File
MBA in General Management
Courses are in module format and all module would need to be passed separately to achieve the qualification .
Being the key to effective management, these core courses focus upon building skills in technology management and innovation. The business foundation courses will also assist you to understand the overall context of business and management. This module Core courses are 15 credits each
Technology Management & Innovation 10 credits
Management Accounting 10 credits
Financial Management 15 credits
Marketing Management 15 credits
Economic Analysis 10 credits
Operation Management 15 credits
Human Resource Management 15 credits
Leadership and Organizational Behavior 15 crdits
Entrepreneurship 15 credits
Research Methods 15 credits
BBS GENERAL ELECTIVE (BGE) (credit value: 10 credits) AND MBA ELECTIVES (credit value: 10 credits)
These courses will allow students to broaden their knowledge in specific business areas by cultivating critical business competencies. This includes subjects required by BBS in order to broaden knowledge on development and global issues. You are reguired to select only three elective
· Advanced Corporate Finance
· Advanced Real Estate Investment and Analysis
· Competitive Strategy
· Consumer Behavior
· Entrepreneurship and Venture Initiation
· Fixed Income Securities
· Health Care Field Application Project
· Information: Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy
· Innovation, Change, and Entrepreneurship
· International Development Strategy
· Negotiation and Dispute Resolution
· The Political Economy of the Public Sector
· Political Environment of the Multinational Firm
· Private Equity in Emerging Markets
· Privatization: International Perspective
· Probability Modeling in Marketing
· Seminar in Leadership: Power, Influence, and Transformational Leadership
· Speculative Markets
· Urban Fiscal Policy
· Urban Real Estate Economics
· Venture Capital and Private Equity Finance
MASTER Dissertation (credit value: 15 credits)
The objective of this Dissertation is to provide a realistic environment for the student to synthesize materials drawn from different modules and to apply this within a relevant dissertation project that has real business value. The project should reflect the target of the performance and will pass through a number of stages for approval. This course is intended to offer a framework for managing a research project, including presentation and guidelines on project research methods.
The total credits is 180 credits for MBAs as approved by the BQS
MBA Strategic management
ho is this course for?
The MBA in Strategic Management is a professional qualification for those who are senior managers or who wish to move into senior management positions. It provides the knowledge and understanding which underpins the UK QCF Level 7 in strategic Management in that it develops the skills of practising managers. This course emphasises the practical aspects of a manager’s development, encouraging critical, clear and innovative thinking about ‘good’ and ‘best’ practice.
The teaching styles and assessment methods require you to engage as an active participant in improving and developing your distinctive management skills, knowledge and behaviour. The courses are located in our moodle campus and each module course would need to be passed seperately and students would need write an assignment about 6 thousand words to complete the one module course .
How long is this course for?
Part-time or full time course taught in our module campus and the duration is one to three years . The courses are modules and courses would need to be passed before qualification can be achieved Entry Requirement Applicants should have a BA(hons) HND/C or hold a Professional Development Certificate in Management with 5 years experience at management level
What will I study?
- Advanced Professional Development 15 credits
- Managing Change in Organisations 15 credits
- Management Research -Project and Presentation 15 credits
- Management Research Methods 15 credits
- Managing Financial Principles and Techniques 15 credits
- Human Resources Planning and Development 15 credits
- Leadership of your Organisation 15credits
- Strategic Marketing Management 15 credits
- Quality and Systems Management 15 credits
- Accounting 15 credits
- Dissertation 30 credits
Attendance Part Time How will I be assessed?
A wide variety of teaching and learning strategies are employed to ensure that students not only acquire knowledge but are also presented with opportunities to develop and apply higher level skills of analysis and critical evaluation.
A variety of methods are used, including assignments and a final project based in your own organisation. Additionally there will be presentations, examinations, reflective reports, and simulations.
What can I do after the course?
MBA strategic Management is a recognised qualification in its own right. Learners can also gain membership of the Institute of Leadership and Management. MBA holders are eligible for entrance into DBA programmes
How do I apply?
Complete an online application with your CV (available below from the campus) and return it to the Admissions Office . Applicants will be required to attend an interview on the phone .
Where can I study this course? online Moodle Campus
Course Professor : Prof I. charles
Awarding Body: Ballsbridge Business school in association with the university of ballsbridge
Course Code MBASTL7
Doctor of Business Administration
Level 8
DBA Curriculum
Curriculum of the DBA course
Core Stage
Research Methods 30 credits
Management 30 credits
After successful completion of the two module a research topic and a proposal should be submitted to the supervisor.
Specialization Stage
International law 30 credits
Managerial Economics 30 credits
corporate Leadership 20 credits
Human Resources Management 30 credits
Marketing 30 credits
Operations Management 15 credits
organization change 15 credits
Dissertation Stage
Dissertation 90 credits
A Dissertation Committee (DC) approved by the Doctoral Advisory Committee must Approve the student doctoral research proposal . The doctoral candidate is required to earn a minimum of 90 credits in the work towards completion of doctoral dissertation to meet the graduation requirement. Dissertation proposal presentation and dissertation defence requirements are needed before a student can graduate.
Total credits of the DBA programme is 320 credits
Entry Requirement
Applicants should have a MBA or MSc, masters degree in any discipline or hold a Professional Development Diploma at level 7 in Management with 5 years experience at senior management level and the duration of the course is two to three years.
Total tuition £6000
The tuition has been reduced to 6000 from 10800 valid to 2016
Accredited Award: Dual DBA degree from BU and UNEM
Optional Award: DBA from BU and university Atlanta or St Linus University
Optional Award: BU and St linus University
This programme provides human capital with expertise in business. It is also in tandem with the government's desire in producing talents more effectively towards achieving the national vision.
This program will produce managers who are
(i) able to analyze, synthesize and evaluate business issues in a holistic manner.
(ii) able to communicate effectively, carry out professional and social responsibilities strategically and ethically in dealing with business issues.
Main Areas of Research
- Business Innovation
- Strategic Planning
- Entrepreneurship
- General Management
- IT Management
- Project Management
- Marketing
- Accounting
- Finance
- Research Methods
Total credits 240 credits
Course director : Dr faith
PhD courses has been approved by the Board of Quality Standards BQS
Programme catalog

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